Not Picture Perfect? No Problem!

I’ve worked on so such a variety of Web Design Projects over the years, with clients who are at different stages and what I’ve found is that while some clients are ready to go with their images, having had a high quality photoshoot  (which is awesome and definitely is a fantastic scenario!) some heart-centered solopreneurs aren’t quite there for one reason or another. Whether it’s a cost factor, camera shyness or some other kind of overwhelm or procrastination.

What I truly believe, is that it’s entirely possible to create a fabulous website, that looks aesthetically great, with just a handful of well chosen free images from Canva and one or two decent selfies.

Overcoming “Brand-Crastination”

Believe me, I know how easy it is to think you have to have everything PERFECT before you start a new web design project, but nothing in business is ever perfect and ‘Brand-Crastination’ as describes it in her book ‘Chill & Prosper’ (which I highly recommend) is alive and kicking – meaning constant tinkering with your branding before you feel 100% ready, but is just a way of getting in your own way in business success.

Success Stories with Limited Images

Example #1: Mental Health Consultancy

Here’s an example of my recent client’s website Caroline, who is the owner of a mental health training consultancy for workplaces. Caroline only had one profile picture of her and an existing logo. So once we got started on the website, I chose 5 images from that subtly represented mental health in the workplace which were in the warm colour spectrum that would counter-balance the cool colours in the logo and give a more nurturing feel.

Example #2: Psychotherapist Site

In contrast, my lovely client Alex who is a Psychotherapist in Canada had just two professional headshots, but they were absolutely stunning and informed the branding colour scheme with total ease – green and pink.


How To Work With Me

If you’re a heart-centered solopreneur, such as a coach or therapist and would like a lovely new website, the next step is to click here:

Lots of love,

Melanie England
WordPress Web Designer For Heart-Centered Solopreneurs

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