Emotional Intelligence Coaching + Programs

Supporting corporate teams, groups and individuals to rise vibrantly into their lives and live their dreams with Emotional Intelligence training and coaching.


Corporate & Teams


Group Coaching


1:1 Coaching

Is this you?

Do you want a more coherent team, reduced turnover, a happier workplace?

Are you seeking connection in a small private container?

Do you want a personalised 3 month stepping stone to the next level you?

Welcome! I’m Danni,

I’m Danni, a passionate emotional intelligence (EQ) coach who helps driven professionals build self-awareness and communicate with empathy.

After spending years advancing my career using mainly logic and reason, I realized how critical emotional skills are for relationships and leadership. This drove me to completely shift paths and become certified as an EQ coach.

I now work with clients to master core competencies like self-regulation, motivation, handling conflict gracefully, and tuning into unspoken needs. We address blindspots, reframe thinking, and practice mindfulness using proven methods backed by psychology and neuroscience.

In addition to 1:1 coaching, I offer workshops on topics like managing stress, improving listening skills, expressing yourself effectively, and creating thriving team cultures.

It brings me so much joy supporting clients to blend emotional and social intelligence with their intellect and drive. Let’s unlock your full potential!

Client of The Day:


“I was struggling with burnout and emotional reactivity at work, which was hurting my reputation and relationships. Working with Danni completely transformed not just my professional skills but my entire mindset. I’m calmer under stress, empathize more with colleagues, and communicate in constructive ways even in difficult situations. The EQ tools Danni gave me were practical yet life-changing.”

Caroline Reese

How Can I Help You?

My immersive 6-month 1:1 coaching program incorporating assessments, exercises and practices tailored to your EQ goals. Gain deeper emotional awareness and skillful communication.

    A 4-week small group workshop teaching you how to recognize, understand, label and regulate your emotions using proven cognitive behavioral techniques.

      This 2-day intensive retreat combines individual reflection and group discussions on how to boost empathy, care, ethics and service as a values-driven leader.

      I’ve helped over 30+ businesses:

      “Danni’s coaching elevated my self-awareness and emotional regulation skills in just a few months. I feel in control of my reactions now and my stress has plummeted. I’d recommend her to any executive looking to uplevel their EQ.” 

       Amanda K – Director

      “Working with Danni has strengthened my marriage, my relationship with our kids, and my friendships. Her practical tools for communicating with empathy have been invaluable both personally and professionally.” 

      Sofia R – Entrepreneur

      “As a leader, I used to avoid conflict and let my emotions control me. Sara helped me handle difficult conversations constructively and remain focused under pressure. My team is more united thanks to her coaching.”

      Isabel C – Sales Manager

      Frequently Asked Questions:

      Q: How is EQ coaching different from therapy?

      A: We take a skills-building approach focused on competencies vs. treating mental health conditions. The focus is building self-awareness and capacity.

      Q: What qualifications do you have as a coach?

      A: I am a certified EQ coach through the Institute of Social + Emotional Intelligence. I am also a licensed psychologist with over 10 years of experience.

      Q: What is your coaching style?

      A: My style is warm and interactive. We’ll collaboratively set goals, work through assessments together, practice skills, and find solutions.

      Q: What results can I expect from EQ coaching?

      A: You’ll gain greater self-regulation, heightened empathy, ability to motivate others, conflict management skills, self-awareness, and relationship building.

      5 Keys to Boosting Your Emotional Intelligence

      Plus lots of tips in my newsletter.

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      Can how can I help you?